With the Spanish economy teetering on a precipice, the ruling government of conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced new austerity measures—a move that triggered mass protests in the country’s capital. Led by the organizers of the longstanding indignado movement—which, in many respects, inspired Occupy Wall Street in the U.S.—protesters marched on the Spanish parliament, but were confronted with violence from riot police. Over 60 were injured, while dozens were arrested.
Spain’s Anti-Austerity Movement Rocks Madrid
With the Spanish economy teetering on a precipice, the ruling government of conservative Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced new austerity measures—a move that triggered mass protests in the country's capital.
Sergio Perez / Reuters
Protestors shout slogans as they fill up Neptuno Square during a demonstration against government austerity measures in Madrid, Sept. 29, 2012.