Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa delivers a statement in Jakarta on Nov. 18, 2013
An adviser to Australia’s Prime Minister has added fuel to the row between his country and Indonesia over spying allegations by reportedly saying Indonesia’s Foreign Minister resembled a 1970s Filipino porn star.
“Apology demanded from Australia by a bloke who looks like a 1970’s Pilipino [sic] porn star and has ethics to match,” said Mark Textor in a tweet that has since disappeared from his account.
Media reports in both Australia and Indonesia said the tweet appeared to refer to Marty Natalegawa, who has called on Canberra to apologize after claims emerged that the Australian government tapped the phones of Indonesia’s President, his wife and other senior politicians.
Textor has yet to clarify what it is about Natalegawa’s appearance that is intrinsically Filipino as opposed to Indonesian, or how a porn star’s ethics are better or worse than a politician’s.
A deleted tweet from Liberal Party campaign strategist Mark Textor, captured by Fairfax
In a heated interview with a local ABC reporter on Thursday, Textor denied the message was about “anyone in particular.” He later tweeted an apology on Twitter.
Meanwhile, a protest outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta turned violent on Thursday afternoon, with demonstrators burning images of the Australian flag.