Palestinian Ambassador Dies in Mystery Explosion at Apartment

The explosion happened as he moved an old safe at his Prague apartment

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The Palestinian ambassador to the Czech Republic was killed in an explosion at his residence in Prague Wednesday.

Jamal al-Jamal, 56, was seriously injured in the blast and rushed to a hospital where he later died, the Associated Press reports. The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said the blast happened when al-Jamal was moving an old office safe box. A 52-year-old woman was also reported hospitalized after suffering shock due to the blast.

“There has been a detonation of a so-far unidentified explosive mixture,” a police spokesperson said. “At the moment it is impossible to specify what kind of explosive it was.” Police chief Martin Cervicek said on Czech TV that there’s not “a single indication that this could be a terrorist attack.” An investigation is currently underway, Reuters reports.
