Delhi Rapists Produced in High Court for Confirmation of Death Sentence

The four men are appealing their convictions and sentences

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Akshay Thakur, one of the four men who were sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a young woman on a bus last December, disembarks a police vehicle outside a court in New Delhi Sept. 24, 2013

Four men, who were sentenced to death earlier this month for raping and murdering a 23-year-old paramedic intern in 2012, appeared at the Delhi High Court on Wednesday for confirmation of their sentences.

The court will be hearing arguments daily even as defense lawyers file appeals against the convictions and the death penalty. Judge Pratibha Rani said the case would be dealt with “expeditiously” because “the sword of death is hanging over them [the convicted men].”

The men deny the charges and can challenge their conviction in the Supreme Court, or, if that fails, appeal for the President’s clemency.

VIDEO: Indian Viral Video Satirizes Patriarchal Attitudes to Rape