America At War — Don’t count on a short or limited conflict in Libya cautions Tony Karon on Global Spin; Obama hopes Libya will rehabilitate the doctrine of humanitarian intervention, reports Massimo Calabresi on Swampland.
Tibetan Transition — Pico Iyer writes about Tibet’s ‘quiet revolution’ for the New York Review of Books. In 2008, Iyer profiled the Dalai Lama for TIME.
Passage to India — Sarah Palin in South Asia? You betcha. Elliot Hannon has the scoop on her speech in New Delhi.
‘Other’ Revolutions — Scholar Hamid Dabashi mulls the matter of race and revolution in an illuminating essay for Al Jazeera.
America the Ignorant — Newsweek laments America’s relative lack of civic knowledge, noting, among other things, that 29 percent of those polled could not name the country’s vice-president.
The ‘J’ Word — Andrea Elliot profiles Yasir Qadhi, an influential Salafi imam and a PhD candidate in Islamic studies at Yale, for the New York Times Magazine. The piece looks at Qadhi’s struggle to define ‘jihad’ for his American followers.
The War Drones On — Over at the BBC, ex-CIA director Michael Hayden argues that drones are winning the war in Afghanistan. Read more about the weapons, here.
Children Left Behind — From 2008 t0 2010, enrollment in primary classes schools across India has dropped by over 2.6 million, finds the Times of India. Read more about India’s Right to Education law, here.
In Video — The New York Times tells the story of men deported from the U.S. to Haiti after serving prison sentences. “This is hell,” one says, “This is hell.”