The Cost of Cleaning China’s Filthy Air? About $817 Billion, One Official Says
Authorities rush out pledges and promises as another choking winter looms
Authorities rush out pledges and promises as another choking winter looms
Secretly filmed video of local party boss eating lobster and swigging pricey booze goes viral
Together with his neighbors, journalist Chen Baocheng had been involved in a long-running land-confiscation dispute with the local authorities in Pingdu, a city of about 1.3 million people in the northeastern Chinese province of …
When China’s biggest real-estate developer speaks up on Sina Weibo, the nation’s Twitter-like social media service, people listen. On July 14, Wang Shi, the founder of property firm China Vanke, used his account to bemoan how …
China wouldn’t be China without the officious slogans that plaster every other wall and railing, educating citizens on the latest government policy or crackdown. But the banners and billboards that began appearing in March all over Shuangfeng, a rural county in central China’s Hunan province, bore exhortations more curious than most. …