Greenpeace could not have chosen a worse time to set sail for the Russian Arctic. On Sept. 15, as the eco-activists were …
Carry a Passport From an Arab Country? Get to the Back of the Line
New study on the world’s worst passports finds that Arabs and nationals of predominantly Muslim countries face major hassles going abroad
India-Pakistan Tensions Spike as Two Sides Trade Fire Across the Border
After a weekend of escalating tensions in the disputed territory of Kashmir, the Indian army on Monday again accused Pakistan of violating the 2003 cease-fire at the border between the two countries. A spokesperson for the …
French Officials Warn ‘Success’ in Mali Won’t End Islamist Threat
Despite gains against Islamist militias in Mali, France believes victory in the Sahel will require political reform across Africa to eliminate the threat for good
The War in Mali: Does France Have an Exit Strategy?
French officials say advances against Islamist militias in Mali may permit France to begin gradual troop withdrawal in March, as soldiers from African nations assume the lead role in battling the jihadi threat
France’s Mali Mission: Has al-Qaeda Already Been Defeated?
Despite the French army’s rapid progress in pushing al-Qaeda-linked extremists to the nether regions of Mali, officials in Paris say full elimination of jihadi militias in the Sahel is more than unlikely
Algeria’s Hostage Crisis: Did the Jihadists Have Inside Help?
As death toll in Algerian hostage attack grows, security officials examine Europe’s exposure to terror by al Qaeda-lined groups vowing revenge against France and the West for military intervention in Mali’s jihad.
Algeria’s Hostage Crisis: What Was Behind a Shadowy Militant Leader’s Plot?
As the Algerian hostage drama neared day four confusion remained high, information tight, and speculation about multiple motives behind the terror strike emerge
Westerners Kidnapped in North Africa — but Is France the Real Target?
Less than a week into France’s military intervention against Islamist militias in Mali, evidence builds confirming French concerns that their country has become the main focus of jihadi terrorist activity
When Palestinians Use Settler Tactics: A Beleaguered Netanyahu Responds
Palestinian activists use a non-violent form of occupation to protest plans to extend Israeli settlements into the controversial strip of territory called E-1.
Kurdish Assassinations in Paris Turn a Spotlight on Turkey-PKK Talks
The murder of three Kurdish nationalists in Paris amid reports of peace talks between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party has sparked clashing theories over who is responsible for the killings
Amid the Depardieu Tax Debacle, France’s Budget Minister Accused of Dodging Taxes
France’s controversy-weary President François Hollande sees a Cabinet member accused of tax fraud after the government’s proposed 75% tax on wealthy incomes is struck down
The West Bank’s 2012: The Year of the Israeli Settlement
At the start of 2012, the Israeli advocacy group Peace Now, which seeks a two-state solution, warned that the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was building Jewish settlements on the West Bank at a pace that, if