Daily Briefing

Must-Reads from Around the World

North Africa’s Islamic extremists pose a formidable threat to Western countries, more than 140 countries pledge to fight mercury pollution and Iran is stepping up its number of public hangings in a bid to cut crime

Must-Reads from Around the World

Venezuela faces a shortage of staple foods, Romanian orphanages fail to provide life training for children and the artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet is injured in an acid attack

Must-Reads from Around the World

China invests hundreds of billions of dollars to educate its young workforce, the world makes unprecedented progress against neglected tropical diseases and cell phones are part of the fight against illegal logging in Brazil’s …

Must-Reads from Around the World

A helicopter crash in central London, mercy killing of the elderly is a socially accepted practice in southern India and Chinese officials try to borrow orphans from a temple to cover up their failure to open an orphanage

Must-Reads from Around the World

Russia’s muddled policy toward migrant workers deters integration, China added 51 million new Internet users in 2012 and Tokyo is having some troubles with a tower

Must-Reads from Around the World

Greece approved environmentally-risky mining to raise cash, Beijing orders government cars off the roads to curb pollution and why the French president could soon begin to enjoy a stronger image

Must-Reads from Around the World

Serious air pollution sweeps over the capital of Iran, illegal drug use in China rises dramatically and the Russian Orthodox Church tells its followers to adopt orphans.

Must-Reads from Around the World

The Argentine president renews a dispute over the control of the Falkland Islands, the Vatican goes cash-only and the Western Sahara shares commonalities with the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories.

Must-Reads from Around the World

Laos pays the price of Chinese rail expansion in Southeast Asia, Africa’s energy consumption is growing fastest in the world and Latvians buckle down to weather an economic crisis.

Must-Reads from Around the World

Three of China’s most populous regions will ease school entry restrictions for children of rural migrants and the use of torture in Mexico reached a peak during the ex-president’s tenure.

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