France’s leftist-controlled legislature passes law legalizing marriage and adoption rights for same-sex couples, but the deep …
Stop the Presses: (Another) Strauss-Kahn Sex Book Challenged in Court
Ex-IMF chief and former French Presidential hopeful Dominique Strauss-Kahn has won court concessions against a kiss-and-tell book by a former mistress, but the lurid account appears destined for the best-seller list
France’s Lower House Pushes Through Gay-Marriage Legalization — Now What?
France’s leftist-controlled Parliament passes bill legalizing same-sex marriage and adoption over stiff opposition from conservative detractors, sending the text to probable upper-house approval into law in March
Where Does France’s Unmarried President Really Stand on Same-Sex Marriage?
A demonstration drawing perhaps 800,000 showed mounting opposition to draft law granting marriage and adoption rights to same-sex couples–and highlights wide ambivalence some claim Socialist President François Hollande shares.
In India, a Rape Sparks Violent Protests and Demands for Justice
An alleged gang rape in New Delhi has prompted calls for change by women’s-rights groups and violent clashes between police and anti-rape protests in the nation’s capital.
Brutal New Delhi Gang Rape Outrages Indians, Spurs Calls for Action
On Sunday, a 23-year-old woman was gang raped for almost an hour on a moving bus and then thrown semi-naked on the road to die. Sadly, it was not an isolated incident
Is Gay Marriage Too Progressive for the French?
The leftist government of French President François Hollande tables legislation to legalize same-sex marriages and adoptions amid rising opposition and public hesitation
“Can you imagine that the worst place in the world to be gay is having Gay Pride?”
Melinda Gates Launches Global Crusade for Contraception
American philanthropist Melinda Gates wants to put family planning and contraception on the global agenda with a $4 billion war chest. Here’s why this is a big deal
Sex, Scandal and Soap Opera Precede a Key French Vote
The feud between President Hollande’s current and former lovers has sparked a titillating controversy among French Socialists. But the right has to deal with a thinly disguised novelization of backroom scandals in the stronghold …
Tweet Attack: French First Lady Swipes at President’s Former Partner
Valérie Trierweiler stuns France — and President François Hollande — by backing a dissident leftist challenger over official Socialist candidate (and mother of Hollande’s children) Ségolène Royal in Sunday’s legislative elections
Must-Reads From Around the World: April 25, 2012
“While women have made significant advancements in health, education and employment, they continue to lag their male counterparts in reaching leadership positions.”