Officials say Obama didn’t know about alleged monitoring of Chancellor Angela Merkel
Spanish Media: NSA ‘Spied on 60 Million Phone Calls’
Allegations made by civil liberties journalist Glenn Greenwald based on Snowden documents
National Intelligence Director Denies Allegations of Phone-Tapping in France
Snowden-leaked info points to eavesdropping
Greenwald: Significant Revelations on NSA Spying to Come
Reporter behind Snowden leaks urges journalists to band together against ‘sustained attack’ on press freedom
U.S. Ambassador to France Summoned Over New Snowden Leaks
NSA reportedly eavesdropped on over 70 million French phone calls in just under a month
Mexico Slams NSA For Hacking President’s Email
Disclosures made in documents leaked by whistleblower Edward Snowden
Three Months After Snowden’s NSA Revelations, Europe Has Moved On
When Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor, disclosed details about some of the clandestine electronic surveillance programs run by the intelligence agencies of the United States government in June, it was …
Greenwald Claims NSA Spied on Mexican, Brazilian Presidents
The Guardian‘s Glenn Greenwald revealed to a Brazilian television audience on Sunday that the NSA has been spying on the Brazilian and Mexican presidents