Israel’s quandary over the rising Iranian nuclear threat, Indian and Pakistani leaders meet and unusually critical commentaries in China’s state-run media.
Must-Reads from Around the World
In today’s offerings: the U.S. and China’s increasing military competition, Ai Weiwei’s protege and Palestinian politics intersect with regional realities.
Must-Reads from Around the World
Revenge attack fears spark internal migration in India, Bibi talking tough on Iran and a new front in the war against radical Islam in Africa
Must-Reads from Around the World, August 9, 2012
Today’s picks: recent history repeating itself in Pakistan, insider politics Japan-style and how a U.N. climate change compensation scheme went awry.
Must-Reads from Around the World, June 28, 2012
Today’s global media stories look at the conviction of a prominent journalist in Ethiopia, the possibility of peace talks being revived in the Middle East, and the debate over Egypt’s new first lady.
Illegal Drug Use Around the World — 5 Things You Need to Know
Global illegal drug use is expected to rise by 25% over the next few decades as rapid urbanization, industrialization, and population growth in developing countries fuel the demand for illegal substances, the UN’s anti-drug …
Uruguay’s Plan to Legalize Marijuana Sales: Should the Rest of the World Follow?
Uruguay’s proposal to legalize marijuana sales – and make its government the sole seller – reflects a growing worldwide urge to find new and less violent solutions to an old but deadly drug war
Wishful Spring Thinking or the Beginning of the End for al-Bashir?
Does a week of protests in and around Khartoum show that Sudan is facing its own Arab Spring?
Must-Reads from Around the World, June 21, 2012
Stories of note today: Western intervention in Syria, Pakistan’s political dramas and more deadly protests by Tibetans in China.
Must-Reads from Around the World, June 20, 2012
Among today’s required reading: Western web attacks on Iran, the Bo Xilai story just keeps giving and testy exchanges between the U.K. and Argentina in Mexico.
“We have to leave behind us this outdated story, this outdated history, and build a new history based on dialogue.”
Must-Reads from Around the World, June 14, 2012
Among today’s stories: The Obama Administration ramps up its spying efforts in Africa, Hugo Chavez’s campaign for another presidential term and how the lives of Greece’s riches haven’t been dented by the crisis.