
Must-Reads from Around the World

Colombia’s president slams “enemies” for “poisoning” peace negotiations with the FARC rebels, foreign companies are looking to Cambodia to limit their overreliance on Chinese factories and Argentinians have celebrated the news of …

Must-Reads from Around the World

Violence erupts in Venezuela in the run up to the presidential election, Chinese face severe traffic jams during the holiday week, Cambodia courts press freedom controversy and South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma has established …

China’s Security Chief Goes on Tour—How Is Asia Reacting?

Over the past week, as I’ve traveled across Asia, I’ve discovered an unlikely partner in my continental peregrinations: China’s security chief Zhou Yongkang. The senior Chinese envoy’s travels have taken him to Nepal, Laos, Cambodia and Tajikistan. The final stop is Mongolia, where Zhou is expected to head on Tuesday.

In …

Why ‘Domestic’ Work is a Global Issue

If there was a runner-up award for oldest profession, ‘servant’ would certainly have a shot. But domestic work, like sex work, is rarely treated as real labor, which explains in part why domestic laborers are all-too-often abused, their triumphs downplayed, their work swept under the door. It also explains why, despite links to slavery, …

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