Bahrain, Divided — A crackdown by the ruling Sunni government on Shi’ite protesters is eroding the social fabric of the island kingdom, finds Karen Leigh in Manama. “It’s like there’s an invisible shield between us,” one man says.
He’s No Chicken —China blogger ‘Peking Duck,’ also known as Richard Burger, blasts the Global Times for its aggressive attacks on Ai Weiwei. Burger is well-placed to critique the state-run daily — he used to work there. Read Austin Ramzy on Ai, here.
The Usual Suspects — It’s still unclear who, exactly, is behind the subway bombing in Minsk. So, reports Simon Shuster, the Lukashenko regime is going after everybody.
The Big Spill — The Guardian interviews a scientist who is deeply skeptical of BP’s claim the Gulf Coast has been cleaned up. “I think it is not beyond the imagination that 50% of the oil is still floating around out there,” she tells the paper.
Liking WikiLeaks — Twitter is abuzz over the Hindu’s coverage of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. What do you think: “fawning,” or fair?
Arctic Passage — Canada’s Globe and Mail highlights stories about Nunavut, showing how factors like poverty, overcrowding and substance abuse contribute to high rates of violent crime in the arctic territory.
Kung Pao Kangaroo — The Aussies hope that Chinese demand for Kangeroo meat will, um, hop-start the flagging industry, reports the New York Times. More on the meat here.
In Pictures — Light Box features the work of Rinko Kawauchi, a Japanese photographer whose work evokes dreams, memory and temporality.