Diaper Diplomacy: Britain’s Royal Baby Goes to Work
He’ll be just 9 months old when he lands Down Under on his first official visit, but Prince George has a serious mission
He’ll be just 9 months old when he lands Down Under on his first official visit, but Prince George has a serious mission
Cold logic alone won’t stop Scotland from voting for independence from the rest of the U.K. on Sept. 18
Matteo Renzi looks set to be confirmed as Italy’s third Prime Minister in a year. His biggest selling point is inexperience
The wettest winter weather in centuries has led to a deluge of attention-seeking politicians
France and the U.S. have rarely looked closer as President Obama fêted his French counterpart François Hollande with a White House State Dinner
France‘s President François Hollande embarked on his first full state visit to the U.S. this Monday. Despite excited talk of a “renewed alliance” between the two countries and a full raft of issues to discuss, from Syria and …
In an exclusive interview with TIME, the French President skirted issues surrounding his personal life but talked tough on Syria and his vision of France’s place in the world
The French President’s alleged affair with an actress has kicked up a familiar scandal in France at a time when the country’s politics — and its leader — is at a low ebb
A rash of high-profile skiing accidents in Europe led one Italian newspaper to brand the holiday season “a massacre”
Catherine Ashton, the E.U.’s top foreign policy official, has endured criticism and even mockery. But she played a key role in the talks that led to the current deal over Iran’s nuclear program
“The defendants are on trial but British justice is also on trial,” Mr Justice Saunders told the jury at the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales, more commonly known as the Old Bailey. “It is a central principle of our …
This is how we imagine royalty lives. On Sept. 12, at one of Scotland’s loveliest stately homes, the Prince of Wales and his 22 guests, more than a few of them stonkingly wealthy, have just finished dinner — risotto, sea bass …
When you’ve spent months intensively researching a cover story, it feels like a release to write. I tried to explain this to the Prince of Wales. “I’m looking forward to not thinking about you all the time,” I blurted. …