Thai State of Emergency Throws Polls Into Fresh Doubt
Analysts say Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s decree is an attempt to give the semblance of control
Analysts say Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s decree is an attempt to give the semblance of control
That includes U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon and President Park Geun-hye
“Bangkok shutdown” explained: Just what is it the protesters want?
Daily violence and vitriolic rhetoric are dangerously exacerbating Thailand’s political divide
Now she can add an investigation into a controversial rice-pledging scheme to her list of worries
Thai media reports Red Shirt supporters of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra are readying a cache of arms in case the 46-year-old premier is forced from office
Sporadic violence overnight as Bangkok shutdown enters third day, with some protesters threatening to disrupt flights
One of the world’s favorite tourist destinations grinds to a halt yet again as protesters hit the streets to call for the resignation of Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra
Nepalese activist Pushpa Basnet gives a home to children whose mothers are in jail
Hong Kong officials demand more stringent regulations for poultry imported from the mainland
Plant run by Mitusbishi Materials makes products for the automobile, electronics and construction industries
Think they’re trying to tell us something?
A total of 308 Thai MPs indicted for attempting to alter the composition of the Senate, further throwing prospects of snap elections into turmoil