After Petraeus: Why Starting Over Isn’t a Good Thing in Afghanistan

When asked about the lessons of Vietnam, military historians often quipped that ‘we didn’t fight one war for ten years, we fought ten wars for one year each.’ The same could be said of Afghanistan. Troops come in, learn the lay of the land, and leave, oftentimes within the span of six to fifteen months, depending on which country …

Couch Potato Briefing: Journalists in Warzones

Here’s our weekly installment of films to watch over the weekend — this week, we pay homage to Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros, stellar photojournalists who were killed April 20 while on assignment in Misratah, Libya.



Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger’s …

Bernard-Henri Lévy: France’s Libya Warmonger-in-Chief

French media celebrity (and one time philosopher) Bernard-Henri Lévy has been called many things over the years by his equally large and outspoken armies of detractors and supporters. “Curveball”, however, was never among them. It might be time to consider adding that name to the list. Because Lévy was essential to French President …

In Chongqing, A Rare Win for the Defense

The odds didn’t seem good for Li Zhuang. A defense attorney who had already once fallen afoul of the law, Li was back on trial this week in Chongqing, the southwestern Chinese megacity that has been waging a very public campaign against organized crime. In 2009, as the anti-gang campaign was starting, Li briefly represented Gong …

In Libya’s Forgotten West, Rebels Gain Ground

According to reports, rebel forces fighting the regime of Muammar Gaddafi seized a strategic Libyan border crossing with Tunisia in the country’s remote, rugged west. Tunisia’s state news agency reported that at least 13 officers formerly serving the Gaddafi regime fled across the Tunisian border to the town of Dehiba, as rebels took …

In Little Iran, There’s No Mistaking the Stakes

You really could be in Iran, traveling the roads of Lebanon’s south. The billboards of the martyrs look newer, the young men honored by them having perished not in the 1980s, when Iran and Iraq fought to the death, but just five years ago, when Israel launched an assault on the stronghold of Hizballah, the Lebanese Shiite militia …

Sarkozy To French Companies: Give People Money. That’s An Order.

Barack Obama, don’t try this at home (as if…):

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is attempting to fulfill his 2007 campaign promise to boost long-stagnant household purchasing power—easily the biggest plank in a wider election platform that has, also, mostly come to naught. So, four years on, monumentally unpopular, and up for …

Global Briefing, April 21, 2011: Gimme Shelter

Troublemakers — Damascus claims subversives out of Lebanon are inciting unrest in Syria, says Nicholas Blanford in a dispatch from Wadi Khaled. But his visit to the border seems to provide evidence that the traffic is the other way around.

Killed in Action — Two photojournalists were killed in Libya yesterday. The New York Times‘ …

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